Since the 1990s, many transition and developing economies have initiated energy sector ambitious reform programmes with the objective of introducing market conditions, regulations, institutions, and policies to increase the efficiency of their energy sectors, social welfare, and economic growth. Despite some success in fostering private sector participation and the creation of competitive markets, in general, energy sector reforms have not yet delivered the promised outcomes. The energy sector in developing countries is still characterised by high subsidies, investment constraints, low service quality and electrification rates, high technical and commercial losses, and capacity shortages, among other issues. In this context, global climate goals impose an additional challenge to countries that need to focus on their energy requirements and social-economic development. 

CSEI participates in diverse research that focuses on energy issues in the developing world. These are some concrete topics that are covered in this research area:

  • Energy sector reform and regulation
  • Energy, economic development, environment, and climate change
  • Institutions, corruption, social welfare, and development
  • Electrification and energy poverty
  • Energy for households, marginalised groups, women, and refugees

For further information please contact Manuel Llorca.