4th Sustainable Energy Day (SustainED)
September 12 @ 08:30 - 15:00
Free- Which flexibilities are most suitable to integrate renewables and optimize our grids?
- Where in the energy system should they be placed?
- What technologies and frameworks do they require to flourish?
To discuss this with experts from research, policymaking, and the energy industry join us at the 4th Sustainable Energy Day
“The Rise of Flexibility:
A Demand-Side Story?”
organized by NordNET and CSEI – free of charge and open-for-all.
SustainED has the vision to connect research, policymakers, and industry. Participants will therefore be from all three domains and include students from CBS and DTU.
The conference will take place at the CBS campus (Råvarebygning Auditorium 20, Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg). Coffee, tea, snacks, and lunch will be provided. All food served will be vegetarian. For any questions, please email us at enerforsk@cbs.dk.
SustainED is supported with funds from Nordic Energy Research.